Substance abuse is a form of self-medication used to reduce the pain and suffering associated with high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. The Transcendental Meditation® (TM) technique impacts substance use by reducing its triggers and by making the individual more self-aware, which increases sensitivity to the impact of unhealthy substances ingested into the body. Dozens of studies have shown that practice of TM® reduces use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes and has a particularly powerful effect on serious users.
TM Reduces Alcohol Use in Vietnam Veterans
This randomized study at the Denver Vietnam Veterans Outreach Program found that practice of TM reduced alcohol use by 84% over three months. More >
Effectiveness in Decreasing Alcohol Use
Meta-analysis of 97 studies
This study, which analyzed the results of 97 studies, found that TM had a greater effect on reducing alcohol use than other standard programs for treating alcohol abuse. More >
Effectiveness in Decreasing Drug Abuse
Meta-analysis of 70 studies
This comparison of 70 studies found that TM had a greater effect on reducing drug abuse than other standard approaches to treating drug abuse. More >
Larger Effects for Decreasing Alcohol Use Among Serious Users
Through the Transcendental Meditation Technique
Among casual users of alcohol in the general population, TM has a moderate effect on decreasing use (.42). For serious users, the average effect size was three times larger, 1.35, a very large effect. More >
“When a person practices TM, the effects are pan-systemic- -every system of the body is affected from the brain down. It is good for the whole mind-body system.” —Frank Staggers, MD, Director of Berkeley Addiction Treatment Services and former Medical Director of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic
“ALL of my physical issues either cleared up or became much less. These included: hypertension, headaches , high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, PTSD, readjustment syndrome, Irritable bowl syndrome, alcoholism (2-3 fifths a week), restless leg syndrome. Insomnia due to back pain. I could cope with the problems much better, my temperament has gotten better. My wife saw a change in me from the first evening. Her stress compounded with my issues and my marriage was all down hill.
I can honestly say that without any doubt TM saved my life , my marriage and now it has saved my wife’s life also. My only wish is that I want to spread this and help as many vets as I can.” —OC, Marine Veteran