The Transcendental Meditation® (TM) technique and mindfulness meditation techniques are different practices. They produce different physiological results during meditation and different outcomes in activity. TM® is an effortless form of meditation that operates by transcending thought, whereas mindfulness techniques involve monitoring mental and somatic processes. Mindfulness techniques produce brain waves in the 4-6 cycles per second range (Theta), whereas TM produces brain waves in the 8-10 cycles per second range (Alpha 1). TM also produces global brain coherence as shown by EEG, which mindfulness techniques have not been shown to do. TM appears to produce a deeper level of physiological rest than mindfulness, which may make it more effective for reduction of stress, as suggested by the following research.
Reduced Symptoms of PTSD in War Veterans

Effects of Mindfulness Meditation, Other Meditation, and Transcendental Meditation (TM) on Trait Anxiety

Effects of Three Types of Meditation on Beneficial Psychological Changes*
Meta-Analysis of 78 Studies